Marguerite Dental
Dr. Rama Maghami & Dr. Negah Parsangi
Providing Family & Cosmetic Dentistry




Mission Viejo Dentist - Dr. Rama Maghami - Dr. Negah Parsangi

Marguerite Dental - Cosmetic and Family Dentistry 

Going to the dentist is never anyone’s favorite thing to do. That’s why when you find a place that can take care of all your needs in a way that makes you feel at ease, it’s always a relief. At Marguerite Dental, the whole family can have their needs taken care of in one place which means you actually get to know your dentist and see them for all your needs.

Our inviting and friendly staff of Marguerite Dental invites you to contact them via phone or email to inquire more about the vast amount of services we provide. They are happy to answer any additional questions you might have about certain procedures.

           Healthy Smile for a Healthy Life!

Healthy teeth and gums are an essential part of your overall health. According to recent research studies, good dental health leads to lower incidence of diabetes, hearth disease, and even Alzheimer's Disease. Contact our office today to start your path to a healthier you!



The following are some of the procedures you can receive:

  • Cosmetic Dentistry- Includes crowns, porcelain veneers, dentures, dental implants and more. The staff is dedicated to making your smile something to feel good about and cosmetic dentistry can help you achieve this. Crowns give your teeth a more uniform, smooth feel and can make a smile you are insecure about totally transform into something you want to show off.
  • Family Dentistry- Whether you need basic teeth cleanings, fillings, or teeth whitening services, you can find them here. You don’t have to need major dental work to come to Marguerite Dental. Even if you just need your teeth cleaned, you’re welcome and just as important as a client who needs some other type of service. If cavities are found, fillings can be done and x-rays as well for other services. You can have tooth colored fillings added if needed, which prevent them from being able to be noticed when you laugh or open your mouth, which some clients prefer.
  • Invisalign Braces- This is one of the newest ways to straighten your teeth and offers adults and children alike the chance to have that picture perfect smile without having to endure the pain and hassle traditional metal braces are known for. Invisalign is much faster than traditional braces and are much easier to deal with. When you come in for your initial exam, the dentist will be able to tell you if Invisalign would be a good choice for you or your child.
  • Root Canal Therapy- This involves the treatment of the interior of the tooth to get rid of any infection and to protect the tooth from getting any more infection. The interior of the tooth, including the nerve tissue, blood vessels and more, and once the infection is gone, refilling the tooth with an inert filling. While root canal therapy isn’t a pleasant thought, sometimes it is necessary to avoid losing the tooth completely, and Marguerite Dental can help. 
  • Periodontal Treatments- Gum disease can not only be painful it can cause tooth loss and bad breath as well. Periodontal disease is also known as gingivitis. There are various degrees of gum disease and many treatments available that can improve and reverse the effects of periodontal disease. Depending on the severity, there are several steps of treatment that involve deep cleaning below the gum line, possible antibiotics, and minor surgery to get deep pockets of gum disease that are not accessible with the regular periodontal cleaning. (which is different than basic teeth cleaning)
  • Tooth Extractions- Sometimes losing a tooth or even more is unavoidable. At Marguerite Dental the objective is to help you keep your teeth, but if a tooth needs to be extracted, or in the case of overcrowding , needs to be removed to give the other teeth more room before braces are applied, Marguerite Dental can take care of those needs.
  • Teeth Whitening- Everyone loves a bright smile. Having your teeth whitened can give you confidence, boost your self esteem and give your whole face a brighter look. The tooth whitening procedure at Marguerite Dental involves two visits. During the first appointment, a mold will be made of your teeth so clear trays can be made that fit your teeth exactly. At the second visit, the trays will be tested to make sure they fit properly and then you will wear them for 30 minutes with a special solution, twice a day. You will do this for about two weeks depending on the amount of staining and yellowing your teeth have.
  • Crowns- Crowns are included under cosmetic dentistry and involve covering the entire tooth, restoring it to its original size and shape. Crowns are usually used when teeth have been worn down, cracked, chipped, have decayed, and other reasons. The process involves two appointments. During your first appointment, very specific molds will be made of your teeth for your permanent crowns and a temporary crown will be made for you to wear while waiting for the permanent ones. The dentist will clean and shape the tooth while your mouth is numb so it fits the crown correctly. At the second appointment, the temporary crowns are removed, the tooth or teeth cleaned again and the regular crowns will be put on and the bite checked for accuracy.
  • Porcelain Veneers- These are popular because they can give you a very beautiful, uniform smile. Typically porcelain veneers can help those with misshaped teeth, extremely discolored or yellow teeth, teeth that are too small or large, teeth that are crooked and more. This procedure also involves two visits and requires little to no anesthesia. The teeth are lightly buffed and shaped so the dentist can ascertain how thick the veneer needs to be. A mold or impression of your teeth is taken and then you and the dentist will choose the color of your veneers. On your second visit, your teeth are cleaned in a special way that helps the veneers bond properly. Bonding cement is used to apply the veneers and then everything is set with a special light.


With all of the services and procedures we offer our clients, you will be sure to find exactly what you need and want. Be sure to give us a call or email us to find out more about becoming one of our valued clients and get that smile exactly the way you want it. Whether you need a lot or a little work, you will be happy here.

Part of our commitment to serving our Orange County area patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health needs and the dental treatments they are receiving. We also encourage you to visit our patient education videos page which contains a library of videos related to the dental procedures and treatment options we offer.

We genuinely hope this site is helpful to you in learning more about our Mission Viejo, CA family & cosmetic dental practice dental conditions and treatments, promotions, dental recommendations, payments & insurance and more.

Please browse through our website and be sure to give us a call if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. You may also use our online appointment request form to schedule your appointment. 


Marguerite Dental
Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
27871 Medical Center Road Suite 165
Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Phone: 949-364-2529
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Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below.

Office Hours
Monday 8-5
Tuesday 9-6
Wednesday 8-5
Thursday 9-6
Friday 8-5
Saturdays* 9-4

*Saturday hours are every other Saturday.